Exhibiting Greatness as a Philippine Recruitment Agency

Founded on the vision of connecting skilled Filipino professionals with international opportunities, Greatways has carved a niche for itself, as a Philippine Recruitment Agency, by consistently delivering custom-tailored solutions that meet the needs of global employers.

To continuously grow and sustain, innovation stands as a crucial component of business.

In this time and age, finding professionals with the right skillsets for the future is more challenging than ever. As skilled labor shortages loom large across industries, businesses across borders have shown resilience in trying to sustain operations amid the global labor shortage. 

On one hand, we have enterprises reducing the demand for labor by relocating production capacity from one region to another. On the other, are attempts to increase the supply of labor by offering higher wages and recruiting staff abroad. 

Thus, the common thread becomes clear: strategic workforce planning. Which, in most cases, is best practiced by renowned recruitment agencies.

Highlighting what’s local

The internal—and external to an extent given the utilization of recruitment agencies and the practice of sourcing staff abroad—practices of such action plans have given birth to, or at the very least, have propelled what we call, the Filipino Labor Phenomenon.

So, over the years, the OFW bunch, or skilled Filipino workforce has become the top-preferred—even the best option for foreign companies.

And of course, such preference for the Filipino is not a baseless claim, passed on by word-of-mouth. This is a phenomenon supported by numbers:

Source: Total number of overseas Filipino workers (OFW)… by Christy Balita

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Firstly, we asked him, what is the Filipino to foreign employers?

Over the years, the Philippines has become the most prominent source of migrant workers in the world. Their dynamism has rendered them in demand in various industries worldwide. With such an understanding, “Filipinos are dynamic professionals embodying flexibility and adaptability,” he begins, “the Filipino workforce brings unique talents to various industries, effectively tracing spaces in foreign workplaces.

  • Then, what does Greatways have to do with the Filipino?

Greatways, as a Philippine Recruitment Agency, has taken on the vital role of bridging gaps between employers around the world and facilitating access to Filipino talent. Gianan finishes, “As an international manpower agency, we bring what’s foreign and what’s Filipino together—tracing spaces and bridging gaps as a straightforward way of producing results that speak for themselves.”

We probed him about the people who make up his recruitment team

Greatways wouldn’t be the successful agency it is today with having one person behind it. Gianan highlights the essence of teamwork and collaboration, adding that his team is made up of “forward-thinking and competent professionals who came from different agencies but are now all bonded together under GWMI with a singular purpose.” According to him, having people from different backgrounds helped forge diverse perspectives and approaches to manpower provision that he alone might not have considered otherwise.

  • Not too long after, we asked him about GWMI’s perspective on the current labor market trend as a leader of a Philippine Recruitment Agency.

He starts by drawing numbers, “Did you know that about 70 to 80% are struggling to fill the job vacancies across sectors?” He added that the challenge persists because there simply aren’t enough skilled workers in one location to bridge these gaps — which, he pointed out matter-of-factly, is why OFWs exist in the first place. 

Then he goes on to further emphasize that 1.68 million Filipinos are deployed yearly to foreign workspaces. “We think about it every day,” he says, “day in and day out. And it guides our ongoing efforts to maintain our success in the field,  as we have done so in the past.”

Referring to this successful past that you claim, would you say you have perfected the practice of recruiting and deploying Filipinos abroad?

He bursts out in a fit of small laughter before saying, “Perfected? The deployment of Filipino workers? That’s a very strong word, but, one thing’s for sure. We’re constantly aiming at perfection.”

 He notes that recruitment is a dynamic field with constant evolution. As for recruitment and deployment, there’s always something new in the field, and surely, practices that Greatways hasn’t done—something we have yet to do. 

Gianan closes his answer with, “But our people make up for it because we all have an acute desire to change the international workforce sphere.

Then, what, would you say, makes you head and shoulders above your competition?

Ramon answers, “We focus on nurturing businesses within the construction, manufacturing, hospitality, oil and gas industries. Basically, Greatways is unique in the sense that we’re not tied down to a single industry.”  Of course, Gianan did not forget to highlight the skilled Filipino professionals that form part of Greatway’s manpower pool. He adds, “We’re also particularly proud of the mid to high-skill-level Filipino workers we deploy.” 

Furthermore, he adds that their commitment to complete customer satisfaction is what sets them apart. Their long-standing partnerships with international employers and their impeccable record with DMW reinforce their credibility and reliability.

Our approach is simple yet effective,” he explained. “When working with our partners, we want them to really understand how recruitment is done in the Philippines and us to also understand what it is that they need from us exactly.”

This, to him, is how Greatways reinforces its role as a vital Philippine recruitment agency.

Tracing Spaces, Bridging Gaps: Exhibiting Greatness as a Philippine Recruitment Agency

To conclude, Greatways stands with a clear focus on its ultimate mission of addressing the international labor workforce shortage. By leveraging the dynamic talents that comprise their team, their industry versatility, and their impeccable regulatory record, GWMI cements its reliability and credibility in the international recruitment arena. 

As the dynamic manpower landscape continues to shift, GWMI claps back with dedication and refined recruitment practices. This approach not only reinforces their vital role in the workforce sector but also reaffirms their reputation for integrity, efficiency, and professionalism. 

Moving forward, Greatways plans to continue shaping the future of international workforce deployment with even more refined recruitment practices.

About Greatways Manpower International Inc.

Greatways Manpower International, Inc., is a Philippine-based manpower agency dedicated to shaping futures through international manpower solutions. Its core mission revolves around securing job orders in the global market and responding to them with utmost dedication. This commitment is deeply rooted in the belief that quality manpower can transform lives. By building great partnerships with clients worldwide, GWMI forges pathways that unite talent with opportunity, creating a world where goals and successes know no bounds. 

For inquiries, contact us at whatsnew@greatwaysmanpower.com

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