タグアーカイブ: Filipino Worker


Updated Guide On Scheduling a Passport appointment online - featured image

A Comprehensive Guide on Scheduling a Passport Appointment: For New Applications and Renewal As the country slowly reverts to a pre-pandemic state, people are now all about flying in and out of the country.  But if you plan to travel or work abroad, one of the things that you can’t leave without (other than your money) would be your passport.  We understand how rigorous and painstaking the passport appointment process can be. So to make things easier for you, we have come up with a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you with your passport application. Preparing the Requirements It’s only natural to forget a handful of things, but it would […]


Two people looking at the paper, benefits of using a workforce provider-featured image

The primary objective of an international manpower agency is to help job seekers find new careers while helping employers find the perfect candidate for their open positions. Recruiting new employees can be a costly and time-consuming process for organizations and that’s when manpower provider takes action. Here are the advantages you can expect in partnering with an international manpower agency. Benefits 1: Access to quality candidates Engaging with a workforce provider increases the employer’s chance to meet with high-quality individuals. Workforce providers have a strong network to find the best candidate for every job position. They have extensive knowledge about individual segments of the jobs market. We at Great Ways […]

働くフィリピン人の 3C: 文化、キャリア、国 (OFW が最も多い)

Top Countries with most number of Filipino Wokers - featured Image

In recent years, the number of OFWs has increased, and we owe it to Filipinos dreaming of a perfect life because who wouldn’t be, right? Working overseas doesn’t mean wanting to be away from family; it’s the opposite. It is something that is done very much out of necessity.  Many people choose to work abroad to further their careers. Some see it as part of one big adventure.  Career-wise or for leisure purposes, overseas opportunities are too good of an offer for the working Filipino.  Here’s what we think about it. Culture We’ve all had a relative working overseas. It’s the blueprint of the typical Filipino household. To seek better […]

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