
International Manpower Agencies and How they Operate on a Global Scale




国際人材エージェンシーは、しばしばスタッフィングエージェンシー、雇用エージェンシー、採用エージェンシー、ハイヤリングエージェンシーなどの用語と交換可能に使用されることがありますが、国際労働市場における仲介業者です。これらのエージェンシーは、ビジネスに生産的な労働力を提供することで、求人市場において重要な役割を果たしています。これらのエージェンシーは両方向から働きます:a. 雇用主のために候補者を募集し、b. 求職者が海外での仕事を見つけるのを支援します。


Young woman with a resume in hand, conducting interviews with applicants


International manpower agencies often specialize in assisting employers from certain industries or sectors. For example, a POEA Accredited Agency for Japan like us, Greatways Manpower International has dedicated recruitment team that excels in sourcing specified skilled workers for Japan. Specifically, provide targeted solutions for employers within the realms of the following industries:


あらゆるビジネスの最大の資産は人であると認識し、実践的な労働力管理の重要性を強調しています。 国際人材エージェンシーの業務は、主に三つの要素、つまり候補者の検索、評価、選択に集約されます。私たちエージェンシーは候補者を細心の注意をもって評価し、クライアントの要求と期待に適合することを確認しています。 



厳格な採用プロセスに従い、常に完全な顧客満足度を確認できる実績のある能力を備えた最高の人材のみを配置することで、企業へのサービス提供を通じて実証された当社の経験は、フィリピン全土および海外クライアントの間でトップ代理店としての当社の特徴となっています。 。



  • クライアントの要件の特定
  • 候補者の調達
  • 候補者の選別
  • クライアントの評価
  •  ドキュメンテーション
    • フォームと書類の完了
    • 健康診断
    • 就労ビザ/許可申請
    • PDOSセミナー
    • OEC申請
    • 航空券の予約
    • 最終ブリーフィング
  • 導入

Significance of Engaging With International Manpower Agencies 

The primary objective of international manpower agencies is to help employers find the perfect candidate for their open positions. Recruiting new employees can be a costly and time-consuming process for organizations. It’s at a time like this that an international manpower agency takes action. 

Here are the benefits of partnering with a workforce agency. 

Engaging with a manpower agency increases your chance to meet with high-quality individuals. Workforce providers have a strong network that enables them to find the best candidate for every job position. They have extensive knowledge about individual segments of the job market. We at Greatways especially have a growing database of over 100,000 CVs. 

Person holding a small jar with save label filled with coins

Seeking the service of a manpower agency or workforce provider is quicking than attempting to hire on your own. Thus, saving you time and money. We recruitment agencies collect and assess candidates, do background check references, and filter talented applicants using the best interview techniques, so that you can focus on the core of your business. Manpower agencies are sure to provide you with even the hardest-to-find talents you are looking for.

A workforce solutions provider bridges communications between employers and job seekers. Manpower agencies seek to find out which job vacancies are available and who are the best candidates to fill those said positions. But as we have mentioned, manpower agencies work for the benefit of both parties involved. To employers, we intend to be a company that bears witness to high standards of professionalism and operational efficiencies. For job applicants, we push them to complete all the needed requirements to speed up their application and land a job abroad. After all, time is of the essence, regardless of whether you are an employer or an applicant.  Thus, we make sure to give 100% to fostering a vision of continuity in which our workers and clients are mutually satisfied.

young woman participating in a meeting about establishing Recruitment agency for New Zealand at the Greatways office.

Partner with a workforce or manpower provider that understands your industry and they will offer industry-specific knowledge of market trends and will also let you know how to best achieve your recruitment needs. We can provide employers with valuable insights and advice. 


Nailing the Scam: Identifying Illegal Manpower Agencies

We understand how eager you must be to partner with trusted international manpower agencies. However, we want to warn you about the menace that is illegal recruitment. International employers must be extra vigilant when navigating the foreign market. These fraudulent entities threaten job seekers and present substantial risks to international employers. 

Here are our expert tips on how to identify these illegal agencies: 

Verify Their License

Legitimate job contractors are registered by official overseas employment agencies, in the case of the Philippines, the Department of Migrant Workers (formerly known as POEA), is the governing body and vital indicator of an agency’s credibility as an international manpower agency.

Exorbitant Fees

If your agency charges you unreasonable fees, do know that legal agencies operate within the standard guidelines set by DMW. Often, illegal agencies use exorbitant fees, which without a doubt is the ultimate tell-tale sign of a potential scam. As an employer, your job is to be educated about these fee limits so you can question agencies that seek to charge excessive amounts.

Unrealistic Requirements

Legitimate agencies understand the importance of clear and legally binding agreements. As an international employer, you must insist on comprehensive contracts and documentation to protect your interests.

An image of a man in suit in a complete blank background covering its head with a paper bag with a question mark on it.

Inconsistent Information

It is highly unlikely for legitimate manpower agencies to miss out on providing you with consistent and accurate details. Inconsistencies in information can indicate deception or a lack of professionalism.

You can read more on how to nail a scam by reading our blog on Insider Tips to Fighting Illegal Recruitment Agencies. 

Address Your Job Vacancies with Greatways Manpower International!

If you are looking for people to hire for your business overseas, connect with us today! 

We have deployed workers from Australia, Saudi Arabia, Africa, and other parts of the world.

Contact Us Now!


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